This is not an easy subject to do research on. I thought I would have found more in the time I have spent investigating. Here is some of what I have found.

Heat Pump Dryers are similar to condensing dryers. Both are referred to as  “Ventless dryers”. Ventless dryers have been the thing in Europe for years. Here in the states, few people have used them. Unless you are in an apartment or condo that will not allow a vent.

I have found many references to a combination Washer/Dryer. From what is on the internet, LG makes a very nice combo unit.

Only one company appears to be making a unit large enough from my needs. Hydromatic Technologies Corporation. I don’t know for sure that it will be large enough. Because they have posted no information about capacity on their website. But from the intro, it appears it may be large enough. From their website they claim:

• Dry clothes up to 41% faster
• Use up to 50% less energy
• Reduce high energy bills
• Reduce fabric shrinkage
• Eliminate odors
• Dry clothes safely
• Reduce the risk of fires
• Eliminate ultra-fine C02 particles
• Preserve the environment

That all sounds great. But I cannot find any information about Hydromatic Technologies Corporation after March of 2008. In their only news release it states, “Indeed, the company will make the DryerMiser™ available to the public in Fall 2008 as an after-market kit that can be installed by service technicians.” I don’t see it? So I am am left with just the two usful links below.

Now, if I was looking for a combo unit I would be much better off. But, I just purchased a new washer last year.